OCR: OmegaWindow User's Guide "[*]" or "page down This will let you go down the application list by one page "[/]" or 'page up This will let you go up the application list by one page [=]" "right arrow" or end This will let you select the bottom -most application in the pop-up box "[clear] "left arrow or "home" This will let you select the top- -most applicaiton in the dn-dod box and this application happens to be the Finder Hide Front App This feature simulate the system menu "Hide (front application)' shown on the upper-right corner of your desktop Hide Others App This feature simulate the system menu "Hide Others" Show. AN App This feature simulate the system menu "Show All" The following three features will eventually be removed from OmegaWindow 1f you obiect to this plan, please let me kno ...